Ok, so yea - I kinda got distracted
A couple of days have evaporated, but I'm planning ahead to make up for that. It's late on Friday night, but I'm counting this as a head start for Saturday.
The thing is...
Get email working
An accountant once told me "the key is communication". He'd recently misfiled 3 years' of my accounts and charged me £10K and I wasn't really in the mood to take advice from him. (**** in ****-***-*** if you're interested. I still think they screwed me over - but that's just my view). There is some truth in it though. I'm not sure how me being more communicative would have helped the accountants from not ripping me off (in my view - they would, I'm sure, rigorously disagree), but I do see the benefits of communication the it comes to sales and marketing. So - the top priority for me next week is communicating - sorting out darn server emails.
Tuesday Jan 24. 9:05
Time for coffee, and to reflect on distractions. It seems like I really am spending all my time trying to get organised rather than tackling important things that would make a material difference. It doesn't feel like I'm trying to avoid anything though - more like I'm taking a long run up.
There are a few projects and ideas that I left to rot when I moved a few years ago - 6 years ago? I suppose it must be. At the time I was looking for change, and found it. Now though, I think I need to revive them. It sounds like an excuse to play rather than work, but pet projects form a useful laboratory - a safe test ground to try things out without risking damage to live, commercial systems.
The past couple of days have been spent on a relatively new widget. Nothing particularly original - it's essentially a recipe catalogue, and there are already loads of those online. The point of this one thought it to be able to enter recipes and then select a week's worth or so, and for the system to give you a combined, single shopping list of ingredients.
It's not intended to be the next big thing, but if I can get it working, I think it would get used by at least one household.
Note to self: 'secret club'