Email. Email. Email. I need an email. Not just any email though, and test email that can go to a list - from an admin user rather than a signed-in user. I suppose I could use the wine website, but I need to update the prices and the prospect of finding a glitch and losing a day is a bit off-putting. I could use CyberMat I suppose. I’ve been meaning to send emails from that for a while - personal comms with images of recent trips etc. It’s the natural choice except that it’s using a alpha version of Typomania 2. The underlying email sending functions should be the same though, so perhaps that’s the way to go.
It’s definitely one of those days - one of those slow grinding days where things move, but each step forward is tainted by the realisation of additional steps. To complete the joy, there’s a party of children competing to see who can shout loudest. Lovely for the families, I’m sure, but not exactly the cathartic remedy that a quiet pint would otherwise normally be. I’ve resorted to ramming noise cancelling ear bud things deep in my lugholes and selected a playlist of loud music set to loud yet the high pitched squeals are getting through. Time to turn the volume up to deafening.
Some good news. Email-related good news too. A notification email I sent to a customer/friend which I assumed had been diverted to the spam pit, apparent arrived and the small yet significant order has been paid.
Some bad email news. CyberMat is not helping. The main ‘Mail’ system doesn’t exist and the Notes bit that I was going to use to compose a potential email is not playing. Kids are screaming, dogs are barking, and Google calendar is displaying different times from everything else. Someone will object to the use of an Oxford comma next just to round things off.
I’ve moved in the hope that it might be quieter if I’m round a corner from the party. It might be quieter, but it’s still bedlam. I still need to decide which site to use. Update CyberMat or chose an alternative. It an alternative - what? I think it has to be CyberMat which means I’ll need to use something offline for now.