Monday, 10:12 am. This is being written on a content management system, so it wouldn't be difficult to have the date and time added automatically, but I quite like noting the moment. It acts as a sort of focus - bringing all the threads of time and space into that precise moment. Time for a coffee. And time to get back to work. Lots to do. Bills to pay. And all that.
On the list of now and next are:
Finish a reporting system for a client
Set-up a virtual robot to email me server information every hour or so
Finish the dishes
Pop to the MIU
Send an invoice link for a couple of bottles of Cremate
Remind someone that they owe me a few quid for something relatively trivial
Go for a run
Buy some compostable bin bags, cat litter etc
Any that's just what I remember off the top of my head.
But first - there's always a distracting 'but first' item that sometimes pushes everything else into another day. Today's 'but first' is fixing an error on my flagship project. It should be realtime quick fix - I just need to add a bit of code that redirects some incorrect page requests.
Note to self. If client sends an email shortly while I'm sorting out error logging, then I've not just had deja vous, I've had a clairvoyant premonition.
11:45. The 'but first' rabbit hole is deep today. Logging errors to a database is rather useful. Apart from hiding ugly warning messages from users it saves them all so they can be reviews later. The only downside really is the slightly embarrassing realisation of just how many errors you miss when don't save them all. Time for another coffee, and time to climb out of one rabbit hole and into another - but one where the warren exploration's expenses are billable to a third party.
13:30. The past couple of hours are a bit of a blur. The reporting thing has been moved forward, and the client has a couple of updated things to review. I've spotted that my user registration system was left in 'developer mode' which meant that a recent sign up to my wine website sent an email to be instead of my potential new customer. I've correct the problem and contacted the punter. That's only the second time an unknown real person has entered the virtual shop and it would be a shame if a bad technical impression puts them off.
Meanwhile. Problem with the reports. Back to it.
And that's that sorted. Well, addressed. Now what? It feels like the day is disappearing rapidly. The sky is brooding and grey - just the right colour for snow, and with the bare and spindly branches in the back garden bending in wind, it feels like a snap of winter is on its way.
13:54 Often, days that develop as this one has, lead to an extended period in the 'Code Cave' - earphones on, (or 'in' really), door sometimes closed, and hours of code, save, reload, repeat until it's dark and the only motivation left is for trying to shake off the tension that the race between time and trying to finish things - sometimes with a tangible break like a trip to a pub, Other times with a glass of wine and some TV. Too often with a sense of annoyance for not dealing with the right things.
Today's right things should be: the trip to the MIU; and addressing the billing issue I've got with my main client. Perhaps my RFPN will help me from diving back into another rabbit hole. Difficult though. I can hear sirens of the deep calling. "Come code us some clever things" I hear them sing. "Weave us a coat of the finest logic and we will reward you with compliments about your cleverness. Tomorrow is only Tuesday and you can start on the list of then with a clear head".
Today though I feel resolved to break free from their spell. Today I will do something on the list. The code labyrinth can wait until tomorrow. Or Wednesday really as I'm at a trade wine tasting all day tomorrow.
15:33 Time for a coffee.
The MIU trip mutated into a visit to the pharmacy and a recommendation to see a GP as there's a risk of sepsis and death, so there's a visit to the GP now booked for 5:20pm today. To discuss the current situation of British healthcare would as drawn-out as it would be depressing, so I think I'll avoid comment.